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SSEM is a 100% Saudi owned company of the Al-Rashid Group and is proud of its contribution in construction projects for the infrastructural development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

icon_widget_image sunday-Thursday: 7:30 - 16:00 icon_widget_image Satarday: 8:00 - 13:30 icon_widget_image PO Box 6341, King Saud St., Riyadh 11442, KSA. icon_widget_image +966-11-4625511 icon_widget_image ssem@ssem.com.sa twitter

Construction of 380kV D/C OHTL Dhuba Green – RCU Southern (Ckts-1&2) including Dismantle of Existing 380kV Towers

Client: Saudi Electricity Company

Project Info:

This project involves construction of one (1) 380kV D/C OHTL from the existing Dhuba Green PP to the proposed RCU Southern BSP with an approximate route length 75 km. Additionally, dismantling of existing 380kV D/C OHTL from the cut point along the existing 380kV OHTL Dhuba Green-MADAIN up to MADIAN BSP with an approximate route length of 49 km is also part of this project.

SSEM shall perform on Lump Sum Turnkey (LSTK)/Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) basis, the detailed engineering design, material procurement, quality management, fabrication, manufacture, factory testing and inspection, supply and delivery of all the materials to WORK SITE, install, test, commission, and perform all associated WORK to put into service with guarantee the overhead transmission line and communication WORKS.