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SSEM is a 100% Saudi owned company of the Al-Rashid Group and is proud of its contribution in construction projects for the infrastructural development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

icon_widget_image sunday-Thursday: 7:30 - 16:00 icon_widget_image Satarday: 8:00 - 13:30 icon_widget_image PO Box 6341, King Saud St., Riyadh 11442, KSA. icon_widget_image +966-11-4625511 icon_widget_image ssem@ssem.com.sa twitter

Abha Metropolitan WTS Phase 2 Part-b – Package – A

Client: Saline Water Conversion Corporation

Project Info:

The scope of the project is to provide a wider distributed water network in the metropolitan region of the city of Abha, connected to the already operated system AM2WTS.