Quick contact info

SSEM is a 100% Saudi owned company of the Al-Rashid Group and is proud of its contribution in construction projects for the infrastructural development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

icon_widget_image sunday-Thursday: 7:30 - 16:00 icon_widget_image Satarday: 8:00 - 13:30 icon_widget_image PO Box 6341, King Saud St., Riyadh 11442, KSA. icon_widget_image +966-11-4625511 icon_widget_image ssem@ssem.com.sa twitter
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Our Clients/ Partners

Our Clients / Partners

As much as we are proud with SSEM’s contribution in the power and water sector, it would not have been possible if it wasn’t for the trust invested in us by our clients. SSEM has been privileged in working with an array of clients from both the private and public sector, some for more than 47 years. We are thus glad to display below some of our key clients throughout our business sectors.